Thursday, April 5, 2018

SkyOptik SO 70 Camera - SCAM, SCAM, SCAM.

SkyOptik SO 70 Camera - SCAM, SCAM, SCAM.. Don't get taken by these scam artist, they come up to you at a shopping center or in a parking lot and tell you some story about extra stock or wrong shipping and try to sell you a Go Pro type camera ($800 value) even show you a website of it... It is all a SCAM. the Company is FAKE and it is CHEAP CRAP.. Drones as well, the website has no links just a front page no contact info no product info - NOTHING AT ALL IS REAL- FAKE - SCAM - RIPE OFF...

BUYER BEWARE - Videos on You Tube are stolen from other companies as well and not even their own..