Always Know what line is on your reels. Easy way to remember what line is to mark your reel or rod with a small label showing the line weight. Avoid grabbing the wrong rod or reel with to heavy or to light of line for the type of fishing. Or the wrong type of line Mono, Braid or Fluorocarbon. Or a special top shot or leader. One of the best way is to use OneCoolTuna Line labels. These are pre-printed line label that are highly visible and will hold up to weather and sun. fresh or saltwater.
Best Links for Fishing So Cal.
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Local Knowledge - Fishing Show - BD Outdoors Season 7
Local Knowledge You Tube |
Monday, January 9, 2023
Friday, November 11, 2022
25% off - End of the Year - OneCoolTuna 2022
Check out the Website -
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Get your best deals of the year and get ready for the Spring.
Or share with whoever is Shopping for the Holiday Wish List..
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Monday, October 17, 2022
Monday, October 10, 2022
OneCoolTuna Line Labels
Need to ID your tackle before you put it away for the winter. So you know what is what come Spring time. OneCoolTuna - Store
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
9 Foot Bluefin - Seized in Rhode Island - Illegal Fishing
Officials: 9-foot tuna seized from boat illegally fishing; captain issued criminal summons
PROVIDENCE, R. I. (Gray News) - Officials say they recently seized a giant tuna from a boat that was illegally fishing in Rhode Island waters.
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management said it recently seized a 9.4-foot bluefin tuna from a Massachusetts charter boat as the captain didn’t have the required state commercial fishing license.
According to the department, the fish was taken after environmental officers determined that the captain had paying clients on his vessel while fishing commercially for giant bluefin tuna without a proper state license.
Officers said they escorted the boat back to port while spotting that the captain had a recently killed tuna onboard.
The department said it sold the seized fish to a licensed dealer. The captain was issued a criminal summons for the alleged violations with the monies from the sold fish held in escrow.
Rhode Island officials said giant bluefin tuna along the coast are an indicator of a healthy ecosystem and environmental police officers are committed to protecting them for the benefit of adequately licensed fishermen who pursue these fish.
Copyright 2022 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
NOAA Fisheries - Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit
Anglers fishing for bluefin tuna need a federal Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit and are required to report their catches. Bluefin tuna fishing is highly regulated. Catch bag limits and regulations often change to prevent overfishing so anglers are urged to check regulations before fishing trips. For information on regulations and how to apply for an HMS permit, visit
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2022
General category September 2022 bluefin tuna fishery closes September 19, 2022 at 11:30 PM
Based on the best available landings information, NMFS has determined that the adjusted General category September 2022 subquota of 225.5 mt will be reached shortly (i.e., as of September 16, reported landings total approximately 191.2 mt) and therefore the General category fishery for large medium and giant Atlantic bluefin tuna will close. This action does not affect the recreational Angling category. The General category bluefin tuna fishery will close effective 11:30 p.m., September 19, 2022, until it begins on October 2, 2022, as October 1 is a restricted fishing day, with a quota of 76.4 mt available for the October through November time period. Retaining, possessing, or landing large medium or giant BFT by persons aboard vessels permitted in the Atlantic tunas General and HMS Charter/Headboat categories must cease at 11:30 p.m. local time on September 19, 2022, through September 30, 2022. This action applies to General category permitted vessels and to HMS Charter/Headboat category permitted vessels with a commercial sale endorsement when fishing commercially for BFT. The intent of this closure is to prevent overharvest of the available adjusted General category September BFT subquota.
Preliminary 2022 Commercial BFT Landings
Reported landings as of September 16, 2022, indicate the General category has landed 191.2 mt of the 225.8 mt September subquota. The Harpoon category is closed, and landed 76.2 mt of the 78.7 mt quota. The Longline category has landed 112.4 mt. Landing updates will be made as necessary.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Friday, September 2, 2022
Great BlueFin Nigiri Recipe - BloodyDecks
San Diego has become a world renowned fishing destination for Bluefin
over the past 10 years. As a centennial event, Bluefin migrations
shifted around 2015, bringing a bulk of the Pacific biomass within day
range of the California coast during the summer months. San Diego has
been the epicenter of West Coast Bluefin fishing with fish being caught
exceeding 300lbs. Amazing topwater displays have become common with
massive foam spots of tuna attracting jig oriented anglers from all
over. With such large fish being caught, a common concern is ensuring
all the fish gets eaten. People are amazed at the amount of tuna loin
they leave with following a successful tuna trip. It is no secret that
Bluefin taste delicious. They are rich in flavor, buttery when served
raw, and amazing seared.
4 - Infinity- Bluefin or Yellowfin Tuna Loin
- Instant Sticky Rice (Tamaki Gold Recommended)
- Jalapeño
- Avocado
- Spicy Chili Crisp
- Avocado
- Cilantro
- Soy Sauce
- Lemon
- Water
- Pat Tuna dry of all excess moisture.
- Slice Tuna 1/4 inch thick and trim to 1 inch long.
- Cook instant sticky rice according to package instructions.
- Let rice cool.
- Slice lemons and jalapeños.
- Dice avocado and cilantro.
- Mix 2 tbsp soy sauce with I tsp water in a bowl.
- Squeeze one lemon slice into soy/water mix.
- Take rice and mold into 1 1/2 inch long beds of rice.
- Place sliced tuna on beds of rice.
- Place jalepeno slice on one end of the tuna.
- Squeeze desired amount of Hoisin sauce into Jalapeño slice.
- Place desired amount of diced avocado on tuna.
- Dollop Spicy Chili Crisp on top.
- Spinkle panko breadcrumbs.
- Garnish with chopped cilantro.
- Lastly spoon soy mix lightly over each bowl and allow remaining to settle at the base of the plate or bowl.
- Enjoy and impress everyone!
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Fishing Tips and Tricks: Make Sure your Tackle is Labeled up..
Fishing Tips and Tricks:
Make sure your labeled up and you know what line is on your reels or rods.
One Cool Tuna Has the Best labeling system out there to help you do just that.
Line Labels are printed with all the standard Line weights. that cover a wide range of fishing styles.
Spectra ( Braid)
Monday, May 16, 2022
A casual angler’s guide to taking kids fishing for the first time Keep it fun, safe, and simple. By Jean Levasseur | Published May 12, 2022 8:00 AM
A casual angler’s guide to taking kids fishing for the first time Keep it fun, safe, and simple.
By Jean Levasseur
Published May 12, 2022 8:00 AM - Popular Science
If you’re not an avid angler yourself, but want to get the family involved in the sport, you’ll need to make sure it’s fun for them. That means catching fish—lots of fish. Kids just starting out would much rather catch 40 little sunfish than the biggest bass in the lake like you or I would. Fishing with children is all about quantity over quality, and there are several ways to increase your chances of having a big day.
Do your research in advance
The odds of just showing up to a lake, casting out from shore, and catching fish are not very good. Before taking your kids out for their first trip, spend some time together learning about fishing in your area. “Studying fishing is a huge learning opportunity,” says Brian Kearning, former fishing boat mate, fishing guide, and founder of BoatEasy, a website that serves recreational boaters. Even if your kids ultimately gravitate away from the sport, fishing-related research touches so many areas of science. Learning about the feeding habits and behaviors of specific fish teaches lessons in biology and the food chain. Knowing where fish might be hiding helps to understand how ecosystems work. And every angler always keeps a close eye on weather patterns, both to understand how they will affect the fish and to stay safe and dry.
Monday, May 2, 2022
Get Your Tackle ready for summer 2022
Make sure your gear is ready to go.. One important things is your reels or rods are Labeled Up.
Use the OneCoolTuna Line Label Stickers. They will make sure you always know what line is on what reel or you have the right rod matched up with the proper reel.
OneCoolTuna has been make the best Fishing Line Labels for over 20 years. Stay's on as long as you want and don't fade, with UV Coating and the finest material. All the Standard Line Weights Pre-Printed and ready to apply.
Go To and order now....